How to de-pip kalamata olives in a few minutes!

Taking olives wa7da wa7da to cut open with a knife is boring and tiresome! And if you have 1/2 a kilo or a kilo to do its just terrible!!! So here’s a quick and easy way to get you done in minutes!

  1. Place the olives in a plastic bag – 2 or 3 handfuls – and tie up. Pat them down into a single layer. (If you are doing a big quantity then just repeat this process 2 or 3 times – my half kilo was done in 2) 20140327_155320
  2. Get something heavy like a meat pounder, 2eed hon (mortar), rolling pin and bash the olives lightly, you want to open them, not make a puree! Go around the bag feeling with your finger tips to make sure they are all bashed. 20140327_155450
  3. This is how they look when you open the bag:

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Finished product! I did this half kilo in less than 10 minutes!


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