Braised veal chops with caramelized onion

My favorite braised dish!
I make it with veal chops but it works with veal t-bones & beef sirloin steaks too.

If you don’t “french” them, the extra veal layer that covers the “eye” & rib bones cooks down to something so tender, soft and delicious…I really can’t describe it, but its yummy! I frenched 6 ribs (they make for nicer photos 😉 ) and left the other 2 whole for the “carnivores” in our house :-).
The onion “sauce” cooks with the veal till its almost caramelized and sticky. The meat is cooked till its literally “fall-off-the-bone”…you can cut it with a spoon! The seasonings are very simple; salt, pepper and lemon juice. That’s it. It’s a 5 ingredient recipe plus the water!
It takes 1 hour cooking during which you are free to do whatever you like!

I figure 2 chops per person but you can make that 1 if they’re large or you want to cut down some or 3 if you just really like a lot of meat 🙂


Braised veal chops with caramelized onion

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy
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Ingredients :
8 veal chops, trimmed of excess fat
4 medium onions finely chopped
4 tbsps lemon juice
Salt and pepper
Some butter mixed with oil or ghee
500 ml water (2 cups)

Method :

  • Mix the chopped onions with a little salt and plenty of pepper and the lemon juice. Set aside.
  • Add some butter mixed with a little oil or some ghee to a large pan on a medium high heat.
  • Season the chops with a little salt and pepper.

    These are the chops I was refering to above - not frenched...the meat surrounding the "eye" & rib bones is melt-in-the-mouth soft & tender!
    These are the chops I was referring to above – not frenched…the meat surrounding the “eye” & rib bones is melt-in-the-mouth soft & tender!
  • When it’s hot, start browning the chops on both sides. Do it in batches or in 2 large pans. Just keep them to 1 layer. Browned chops

I cook the chops in 2 large 28cm pans so they are cooked in 1 layer. If you have a pan that can accommodate them all at once, use it. If not, just use 2 pans.

  • Split the seasoned onion between the 2 pans, spreading them over the hot chops. Dot with a little butter or ghee.
  • Add 1 cup water per pan (add the 2 cups in one pan if it’s a really big one with all the chops in it).
  • Bring to a simmer and cover. Set a timer for 30min.
  • When it’s time, lift the cover and turn the chops over. Now all the onions will be at the bottom of the pan.
  • Taste the sauce , it should taste seasoned but shouldn’t be too salty or lemony. It’s still going to cook down further.
  • Cover the pans and give it a further 30min.
  • When time is up, uncover and check the sauce.
    Most of the water should have evaporated and the onions cooked down and golden.
  • Turn up the heat to brown the onions & evaporate the water. If its getting too dry before the onions have caramelized, add a quarter cup of water. Swirl the water in the pan, still on a high or medium high heat till cooked down and the onions are caramelized & shiny in a thick sauce with little liquid. Taste and adjust final seasoning, add a little squeeze of lemon juice if you want a sharper taste.

Alternatively, take out the chops (carefully as they are almost “fall-off-the-bone at this stage) and place on a warm plate. Turn up the heat and stir the onions till caramelized but not too dry. As above, you can add a little water if it’s getting too dry before the onions have caramelized and stir again till you get a thick consistency. Taste and adjust final seasoning, add a little squeeze of lemon juice if you want a sharper taste. Add the chops back in and reheat quickly.


The deep color of the onions gives it sweetness.


Serve with rice or butter mashed potatoes.


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