Category Archives: Salads

Weird mornings and my broken laptop :-(

You know sometimes when a day starts off and you just know it’s not your day? Well that was my day yesterday and that odd feeling was realised at noon when my lovely 3 and half year old son broke my laptop screen. ..
My fault in any case…I was the one who left it with him so he could watch a song…and how is he to know that laptop screens “lock” when you close them? In any case as part of whatever experiment he wanted to try, he closed the laptop then decided to open it again…and that was it!
While screen side and keyboard side are both still attached to each other, the screen itself is black and blue 😦

Was wondering how am I going to post anything on this blog now? I’d been so diligent in moving all my photo’s to that thing!
So anyway I’ve decided to post, sans pics, or with the few remaining on my mobile till I get my laptop fixed…

Wish me luck!

And for bearing with me through this sad monologue here’s this mornings breakfast. ..

Tuna salad sandwich on crisp sour bread and a garlicky mustard dressing…

Tuna salad recipe
