Tag Archives: biscuits

The Ghorayeba recipe…Egyptian shortbread

Finally its here…the ghorayeba recipe! Taken a bit due to my technology handicap but now its done!

So in a nutshell, ghorayebas are a smoother textured cousin of the scottish shortbread and are silly easy to make! Amazing to eat a long with your evening tea or morning coffee…

‘Nuf said!

Melt in your mouth ghorayebah
Melt in your mouth ghorayebah

But you need to use ghee, not butter. Ghee is 100% fat while butter is about 85% and also ghee gives a richer flavor than butter.

Try it and tell me what you think,

Egyptian Ghorayeba


Day 4…Shortbreads?????

Well day 4 baking didn’t go the way of the cake!

Somehow it morphed into a shortbread bake-off! Up until I actually made them I was a firm believer in that shortbread is a strictly Scottish affair. Low and behold turns out we Egyptians make shortbread too…The Ghorayebah!

Sweet sandy Scottish shortbread
Melt in your mouth ghorayebah
Melt in your mouth ghorayebah

There are some differences between them.

Butter vs Ghee

Sugar vs icing sugar

Those are the key differences that make the Ghorayebah dough much softer.

Both are made in exactly the same way but Ghorayebah are always shaped into round thick cookies with an almond at the centre.

And both are cooked till pale blond and not allowed to colour.

But it’s the taste that matters in the end, right?

So I made 3 batches:

Semolina shortbread

Rice flour shortbread


The results were crumbly crunchy semolina shortbread, sandy rice flour shortbread vs the melt away in your mouth Ghorayebah…

The three were simply fantastic. .. And silly easy to make so try them and tell me what you like!

Ghorayebah recipe coming soon

Scottish shortbread recipe


Banoffee Pie…the perfect solution for a sweet tooth! The Update!

Remember when I told you I will make the 4th pie soon? Well I have! And this time I took the step by step pics & they are all now available in the recipe which I have also updated!

If you still haven’t tried a banoffee then let me explain…It’s a delicious combination of banana and caramel with a crunchy buttery biscuit base & topped with whipped vanilla cream & more caramel…

It’s silly easy to make and doesn’t need an oven, just the fridge! Scrumptious…delicious…heavenly…that’s how I’d describe a banoffee pie!!!

Banoffee after decorating

This banoffee was made with Dulce de Leche which is the caramel from a condensed can of milk. Dulce De Leche

And while using the ready made caramel jar was easy, quick and tasty, this Dulce De Leche is even more so! Its creamy, its got a better consistency and holds itself much better as both filling & topping. Just make sure you don’;t taste away half of it before making your pie 😉 Its that good!!!

Check out the Tips & Tricks page for details on making Dulce De Leche.

Tips & Tricks Easy Caramel Dulce De Leche

And check out the updated recipe: Banoffee Pie Recipe

Cheers! & Happy Xmas!!!

Banoffee Pie…the perfect solution for a sweet tooth!

I don’t usually like to make desserts. They take too much time, they’re fiddly and pack a punch on the waist line. But every once in a while I get that urge and nothing to me is as satisfying or gratifying as much as a simple Banoffee!

A Banoffee pie is the ultimate sweet treat for me…a delicious combination of banana, cream and caramel with a crunchy biscuit base…and its silly easy to make and doesn’t need an oven, just the fridge! What’s not to like???

Hubby and the family love it, so actually I’ve made 3 in the past 10 days!!! And for some odd reason, I didn’t take step by step pics! So, I will soon make a fourth to add to the recipe page! Till then, if you attempt to make it, I hope you enjoy!

Banoffee Pie Recipe
