Tag Archives: Chinese

Falling off the food wagon & the Sweet & Sour Chicken comeback!

Well it was Xmas and New Year and Mooled Elnaby…an all round season, right?

Indulge and splurge in gorgeous food. You’ll know what I mean if you’ve seen my previous posts! Between the roast rib and roast potatoes, trifles & tiramisu’s, the seafood fests of Alex and, Mooled Elnaby sweets and treats, small portions and calorie counting really took a back seat!

But now we’re back in the normal world and I need to get cracking on with still tasty yet calorie friendly dinners.

Which brings me to Asian cuisine…I just love Chinese and Asian food. The flavors are complex, the dishes are beautiful and a lot of recipes are quite easy to make. Sweet & Sour Chicken happens to be one of them !

One of my favourite quick and easy dinners, and way way way more tasty than any Chinese takeaway here in Cairo! I mean unless you’re going to a really authentic and expensive Chinese restaurant, there really isn’t any comparison!

Added bonus to several of the Chinese and asian meals is they will usually contain vegetables, hence healthy (healthier!), and I found that I can cut down on the fat content without impacting on the flavor.

This recipe is adapted from my favourite Asian recipe site and that is Rasa Malaysia! Her recipes are great!

The main difference is that mine doesn’t have the fried battered chicken. I sauté the chicken until browned lightly on the outside yet half cooked on the inside. It’s lighter than the original version yet still tasty.
I also add ginger along with the garlic as I love it’s taste. The final change is in the sauce quantity and proportions, I like a bit more sauce and more sour. You can find the original recipe here.

Calorie wise it’s great too!

The nutrition data below is for 1 serving (the recipe makes 3) plus 140gms steamed basmati rice.

Nutrition Data Per Serving
Calories (kcal) 655
Protein (g) 53.0
Carbohydrate (g) 77.8
Fat (g) 14.7
Fibre (g) 2.8
Fruit & Veg 1.6

So check out the recipe and I hope you enjoy!

Sweet & Sour Chicken
