Tag Archives: Flour

A lovely day for a loaf of bread!

Love the bakery smell? The smell of comfort & fresh baked goodies? Make your own crisp, crusty & fresh loaf and it’s sooooo easy! The no-knead method is a dream and you’ll never miss that wonderful aroma again! Continue reading A lovely day for a loaf of bread!

The Ghorayeba recipe…Egyptian shortbread

Finally its here…the ghorayeba recipe! Taken a bit due to my technology handicap but now its done!

So in a nutshell, ghorayebas are a smoother textured cousin of the scottish shortbread and are silly easy to make! Amazing to eat a long with your evening tea or morning coffee…

‘Nuf said!

Melt in your mouth ghorayebah
Melt in your mouth ghorayebah

But you need to use ghee, not butter. Ghee is 100% fat while butter is about 85% and also ghee gives a richer flavor than butter.

Try it and tell me what you think,

Egyptian Ghorayeba


Day 4…Shortbreads?????

Well day 4 baking didn’t go the way of the cake!

Somehow it morphed into a shortbread bake-off! Up until I actually made them I was a firm believer in that shortbread is a strictly Scottish affair. Low and behold turns out we Egyptians make shortbread too…The Ghorayebah!

Sweet sandy Scottish shortbread
Melt in your mouth ghorayebah
Melt in your mouth ghorayebah

There are some differences between them.

Butter vs Ghee

Sugar vs icing sugar

Those are the key differences that make the Ghorayebah dough much softer.

Both are made in exactly the same way but Ghorayebah are always shaped into round thick cookies with an almond at the centre.

And both are cooked till pale blond and not allowed to colour.

But it’s the taste that matters in the end, right?

So I made 3 batches:

Semolina shortbread

Rice flour shortbread


The results were crumbly crunchy semolina shortbread, sandy rice flour shortbread vs the melt away in your mouth Ghorayebah…

The three were simply fantastic. .. And silly easy to make so try them and tell me what you like!

Ghorayebah recipe coming soon

Scottish shortbread recipe

Cheers!…Let’s bake a cake!

Hi all!

I missed you!
Now there’s a reason for my disappearing act…I was studying up on cake science. Yup, not cake making but cake science.
My mum has an awesome recipe for butter cake. Sometimes she makes it up to be an orange cake or a chocolate cake or her favourite a sweet cornmeal cake! A bit dense but always yummy, moist and always sticky on top which I love!
It always works and it’s damn easy. So where’s the problem then you ask?
Well it’s great if you have a huge 30cm rectangular cake tin which I don’t. I end up making a 25cm round tin and a smaller 18 cm round tin which always comes out flatter 😦

Trying to adjust cup size portions is also a nightmare!

And bakers come out with cakes all the time so surely there must be a way of understanding “cake” and then play around to get the size and results you want, right?

Also there’s a great Germans chocolate cake recipe that I want to make. I made it before but the cake recipe itself is tricky, extremely thin batter and time consuming so if I get the understanding cake bit right then maybe I can make an easier chocolate cake for my Germans chocolate cake too!

Germans chocolate cake: My first attempt

So here are the pics from my first endeavour and I’ll be sharing how my next steps go!

Day 1 was the ratios part and it’s here in tips and tricks.

Day 2 was sweet cornmeal and orange cake. I’ve posted the Orange tea-time cake & soon to come the sweet cornmeal cake!

Sweet cornmeal cake
Orange tea-time cake

Day 3 was tasting :))))) They were yummy!!!!

And day 4 (i.e today) will be….I’m not sure yet!!! I’ll Keep you posted!


Friends For Dinner & Amazing Pizza

I love having friends over and the Ashry clan are great friends! Their kids are wonderful and their 3.5yr old is amazing and hopefully she’ll teach my boy some manners..heheheeee

Our Pizza Feast

We made 4 lovely pizzas for lunch using the same Real Crusty Bread dough. It comes out almost like a Neapolitan pizza…I say almost since I don’t have a 500C wood burning oven nor do I have a pizza stone! So for me, a home cook, it was great! Puffy crust, thin crisp base and lovely toppings.

Puffy Pizzapizza crust

The pizza recipe if you are interested is here.

We also made a lovely Nicoise Salad and I will post its recipe soon.

Have a lovely day!

Real Crusty Bread

Dont you just love crusty bread? I know I do. Paul makes this amazing bread called Acien (I think that’s how it’s spelled…) which is airy and filled with holes but it’s just too darn expensive! So with Masterchef episodes as a guide and a million internet searches I managed to make a homemade loaf
that’s silly easy and tastes lovely, is crusty and full of holes!

Check the recipe here!