Tag Archives: pot roast

Cold winter swim practice & heart warming pot roast

You know when it’s really cold and windy? Like when you feel the wind is going right through you and you are chilled to the core? Well that’s exactly how I feel after my sons’ swim practice! Sure it’s fun for them – they’re in a warmed pool. The poor parents – i.e. us – we stay outside freezing from the cold! And the wind! The pool deck is raised and it’s all out in the open and there’s nothing to break the wind 😦

As for my boys, they’re just loving it! It’s the first year for my younger son at swim practice and he’s having a lot of fun learning and jumping. My elder boy, he’s been at it for 2 years and had his first official assessment. He did great 🙂

After a fun filled and freezing day at the pool,

coming home to a heart-warming meal is all I really want. And my pot roast does just that! Warms you from the inside out thanks to the lovely broth 🙂




This is one of my familys’ top 10 fav meals! Tender and tasty and ready with a side of veg & potatoes, all cooked in 1 pot!

The traditional way of serving this dish in Egypt, is to serve the meat sliced & cold hence the name “cold meat” or “lahma barda” and blitz the veg and broth to make a gravy (my mums way) or exclude the veg all together with the exception of the onions & garlic as aromatics for the broth the meat is cooking in. Usually its cooked in a pot for hours to get the notoriously tough cut to become tender or in an oven.

To me that meant, at the end of a loooong cooking session, I had only meat, the broth too watery and still had to make sides.

So I played around with the recipe. After many try’s & attempts at cooking the notorious eye round roast “ عرق بارد / تريبيانكو” I landed on
the pressure cooker method to get lovely and tender and most importantly consistent results. Added the carrots & potatoes to the broth to cook & be served along with the meat. And I slice the meat straight after standing it so it’s nice and warm when served. The seasoning & addition of garlic gives the roast a lovely flavor and the searing makes it a real roast as opposed to boiled beef. They only thing I make alongside then is the steamed rice which literally takes minutes.

And there you have it!

A full winter, warm-the-cockles-of-your-heart meal!

And if you don’t have a pressure cooker? Not a problem, just cook it in a regular pot. It just takes more time that’s all.

I hope you enjoy this glorious winter dish as much as we do!

Recipe: Pot Roast, My Way!