Tag Archives: Vegetables

Mom’s spicy bamia (okra)

My mums spicy bamia (okra) recipe and it’s a crowd pleaser:-) !

The addition of lemon juice prevents the sliminess of the okra. The addition of a hot chilli pepper gives the sauce a good kick and the “tasha”, which is a blend of garlic, coriander and ghee, added at the end, adds a depth of flavor and spice.

Choose bamia that are very short in length (size zero) but not chopped!

Don’t let the cook time fool you, it’s either simmering away on the stove top or in the oven and you are free to do what you want!

Serve with rice or pita bread or both and some extra lemon halves on the side.

Mom’s spicy bamia recipe


Note: The pic above is not my photography, “borrowed” from Google.