Homemade custard

Nothing really can beat it!
This makes a thick custard. If you want a thinner custard use half milk half cream or all milk.

Recipe adapted from the great Delia Smith

500 ml whipping Cream
7 Egg yolks
2 level tsp Cornflour
50 gm Sugar
2 tsp Vanilla

Beat the egg yolks with the vanilla, cornflour and sugar till sugar is completely dissolved.


In a small saucepan on low heat, heat the cream until just before simmering , once little bubbles appear at the side of the pot take it off the heat and pour it over the egg yolk mixture and with another hand whisk quickly so the egg yolks don’t cook.


Turn the whole lot back into the saucepan and place back on the low heat.

Keep stirring /whisking till it thickens. Which is right about the time it starts to approach simmering.


Take it off the heat and pour into a jug.
Use a plastic sheet to directly cover the surface of the custard so it doesn’t form a skin.


Leave to cool. Once cool it will be thicker. It will solidify when placed in  the fridge.

The cornstarch/cornflour stabilises the custard. It’s a cheat from the great Delia Smith and it works.
If the custard seems to split (appears grainy) take it off the heat and whisk till smooth again.

Dont throw out the unused egg whites. You can place the whites of every 2 or 3 eggs in small freezer bags and freeze them. To use, take them out of the freezer and leave to thaw. They will whip up into egg whites whenever you need to make them.

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